Friday, January 26, 2007
Nowadays, our lives are very fragile. death and hades inflicts terror on every corner of our lives. Terrorist attacks, illnesses, natural disasters... Life isn't so secure anymore. We can lose our lives anytime, anywhere. But we can never lose God's eternal, unfailing Love for us.
And God's Love for us is the perfect Love. True Love. For *God Is The Source Of Love*. He is the Perfect Spotless Unfailing Love. The Love that reality might seem to give us today, gays, lesbians, homosexuals and all that sought, is thought of by the human mind.
But God's Love is different. God's Love plainly refers to 'care' instead of 'sex'. God is our Father. We know our Earthly father very well. Most of us love our earthly fathers as they supported us and brought us up.
But God is the one who put you with your family. God knows you very well. He was the one who made you, He was the one who decided what time and which area you would be born in. But the question is, do you know Him?
Some of us... we might dislike our earthly fathers from time to time. Others were abused by their earthly fathers. But God is our Heavenly Father. He is the Perfect Father. And if our Earthly father can give us the care and concern we need, how much more would our Heavenly Father give?
Now most of you would say 'My earthly father was with me throughout my life. But God wasn't there' or you can say 'God was there for me, yes' and not believe it.
God was always in your life. He is the most powerful and highest in all the universe. He has time for each and every one of you. When you were down, He was there right beside you. When you woke up, He was already waiting for you, to greet you. But do you notice Him?
Jesus, our God, is your friend. You can talk to Him anytime. And he listens. He might not answer you straight away, but you can be sure, that He has plans for you as you move further in life. All you have to do is to ask.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
2 Chronicles 20:12
We Have No Power Against This Great Multitude That Is Coming Against Us; Nor Do We Know What To Do, But Our Eyes Are Upon You.
"O our God, will You not judge them? For we have no power against this great multitute that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are upon You."
When Judah's King Jehoshaphat spoke those words, it was a matter of life and death. As a coalition of armies marched against Jerusalem, the people of Judah gathered to seek God's guidance and help.
God the King told His people: "Do not be afraid nor dismayed..., for the battle is not yours, but God's. Tomorrow go down againts them... The Lord is with you."
We often go through difficult times. It may be threatening and you feel powerless to do anything. But you can do one very powerful thing. Pray. For The Lord our God is the most powerful and gracious. He wil gladly deliver His children from dark times.
So during stressful situations, instead of saying a worried "what now?", say a faithful "Father, help me" and you will be delivered.
Just like King Jehoshaphat, we should begin our prayer with praise to our Sovereign and Powerful Father. And when you ask for help from your father, have faith. For worries end where faith begins.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Isaiah 55:2
Why Do You Spend Money For What Is Not Bread, And Your Wages For What Does Not Satisfy?
When i first read that, the thought that a person would use his cash, to buy nothing, seems like a pretty foolish thing to do. If you don't need your money, others do. Its like buying lottery. If the chance of winning the grand prize is like one in a million, would you still go for it?
But thats the problem, people still buy it because of greed or ignorance. They desire the grand prize so much, that they are willing to spend their money without any thought. Some people don't even know why they buy it, they just thought that it was for fun. Satan is behind these.
Its the same with God. God offers those who had no resources to "come, buy wine and milk without money and without price....And let your soul delight itself in abundance. Incline your ear, come to Me" (Isaiah 55:1 - 3)
Non-believers are constantly influence by satan. They think they have resources, but they have nothing in heaven. They spend their efforts on earth...for nothing. The Lord has laid before us, a free gift of salvation. It is Something For Nothing.
So don't be ignorant. If God wants to give you the free gift, accept it, and be saved. Don't go wasting your life on gathering earthly treasure, which, will be gone in a short while. Don't spend your efforts to gain nothing. Instead, gain something, by paying nothing.
"Seek the Lord while He may be found"
Dear Lord Jesus, I Know I am a sinner. Thank you for dying for me. Please forgive me and come into my life. Be my Lord and Savior. Teach me to be the person you want me to be. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Matthew 20:20-28
The Son Of Man Did Not Come To Be Served, But To Serve, And To Give His Life A Ransom For Many.
~*We lose the approval of God because we seek the applause of man.*~
Who is more important? God or man? Who would you want to hear praise from? Who would you want to work for? The creator or the creation?
Most of us, we would serve the Lord. But satan uses our ignorance to sub consiously work for man. When we work for pride or applause, we get praise fro man, but not the Lord. And the praise from man is easily destroyed, but not the praise from God.
We came onto Earth with nothing, we shall leave with nothing too. All we have now, isn't ours. It belongs, and is given by the Lord. Therefore, use it, for the Lord, and not for man. There is greater praise, and reward that cannot be destroyed if you work for the Lord.
And work for the Lord humbly, not because of what you might achieve. This is hard to follow, working for free? But that is human's selfish nature. Only through God would be be godly in our lives. And do you know? That when you work humbly for God, people will begin to sense your 'aurora' and purity.
And you can feel it yourself too. The happiness of the Lord come into you. The world is like this. Do the right thing, you'll get the reward. For for the reward, you might get it, but it will be your downfall.
Therefore, seek the Lord and ask by faith what you need to do. And let me tell you, the work the Lord gives you comes with a great respondsibility. When you accept it, you are one of God's chosen people. The elected few God has spoken to. Therefore, seek Christ today, and you shall be fishers of men and workers of miracles.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
A lot of times, we Christians hold celebration for our Lord Jesus Christ.
But do we remember Him, who, in the first place, gave us the right to celebrate?
I'll put it in a simpler form.
2 women went to a fancy resturant for dinner. A friend of theirs walked over to them and asked why they were dressed in expensive silk dresses. One of them replied, 'We're here to celebrate my son's 2nd birthday'. But the friend however, did not see the birthday boy and proceeded to ask where he was.
The woman replied, 'I left him at my mother's place as he would be too much trouble here.'
Thats ridiculous, why throw a party when the person the party is for, isn't around? Sometimes when we whorship the Lord, we're just like those 2 women. We sing and jump and clap to the music. Yes we are enjoying ourselves, but are we also enjoying the victory of Christ over the power of the grave?
Whorship means lost in wonder and Love of the Lord. When we whorship, we feel lost, and just acknowledging the Lord's amazing Love for us and all His glory. When we whorship, we wouldn't be consious of our physical self as we are 'lost in wonder and awe of the Lord'.
But i still see some people being afraid to lift up their hands high to the Lord. That means that they are afraid for their reputation and are still consious of their physical self. Next time we whorship the Lord, we should feel His Love for us and just be carried away by that.
Same goes for christmas... Christians are often seen running here and there getting ready gifts to give away. Its good, we experience the joy of giving, but are we working too much to neglect the the meaning of Christmas, the Lord's Birthday?
CHRISTmas is meant for CHRIST. He is the one whom birthday is celebrated. And though he isn't with us on Earth, His Spirit was always with us. Therefore, during Christmas, take time to remember Christ and what He did for us to celebrate the joyous occassion.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Proverbs 4:7
Wisdom Is The Principal Thing; Herefore Get Wisdom.
In Luke 10:38-42
Martha, Mary's sister, was too distracted with much serving while Mary did nothing but listen to Jesus.
Yes, Martha was hardworking, she was not slothful and what she did was right in the eyes of The Lord our God.
But sometimes, we get too caught up with good work that we forget to give time to God. We forget to read the Bible or to pray to God. In Martha's point of view, she rebukes the slothful, which is right.
But God is more important that the work of God. For the work of God is given by God Himself. Therefore, accuire God's work before you attempt to do good work.
I know many of us are eager to do Good. God bless you... You are pure in the inside with good intentions. But satan is constanding watching, waiting to use ignorance to use you to do wrong.
You see, sometimes what we think is right might be considered in the Bible as 'Filthy rags'. Therefore, do not let satan win the battle! Communicate with our Father, talk to Him, read the Words of Wisdom through the Bible. And have faith that God will reveal to you what you need to do.
Father, today i wish to bless all the hearts that are pure. That are willing to serve you. That are willing to help their brothers and sisters.May you show them the road to truth.
Tonight when you go to bed, pray to God and ~*Thank Him*~ for giving you the oppotunity to help others. And remember to seek His Word before you begin your blessed journey of the true Christian. For a worker cannot work until he is told what he has to do.
And also, you're on the right road if you follow the Bible, this is what i learnt from Senior Pastor Khong During Sunday, 1.25 in Expo hall 9,
Always Thankful to God.
Always victorious in Christ Jesus
Always a blessing to others.
Therefore, be thankful to God for giving you the oppotunity to help others. And be victorious, knowing that the Lord will tell you what you have to do, and what you do is watched by the eyes of the Lord. And He will guide you. And when you do Good, You are a blessing to others. Amen.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Ephesians 6:1-9
Be Obedient To Those Who Are Your Masters.
Sometimes we go to work, or school, or even church, with a face thats downcast. Possibly becuase of the people there whom is higher in position than you. Perhaps your teacher mistreated you, or your boss misjudged you, or your pastor scolded you.
First of all, we all make mistakes, if they make mistake and refuse to change, fine, let those who listen, listen. And those who refuse, refuse. But do not hold hatred. Because hatred only makes you want to take revenge. And God forbids us to take revenge. And with hatred inside, and not being able to take revenge, we get destroyed by our own hatred.
And also know this, God *Put* *you* in *that particular workplace or school*. It is for the reason that you were meant to be in that workplace or school. Maybe you're good at math, therefore you find yourself doing accounting.
And when you do your job well, your company does well not only for the benefit of workers. But also for other people whom are depending on your company. Your boss may be unreasonable, you might hate your job, but do it diligently, because you are doing it for the Lord whom assgined you in that workplace.
Therefore, befriend your masters and release whatever hatred you have against them in the past. For now it is time to thank the Lord for your workplace and your masters. And always remember, God does not give men things that men cannot bear. And also,
~*God is always with us. Emmanuel*~
Friday, January 12, 2007
1 Corinthians 3:5-15
He Who Plants And He Who Waters Are One, And Each Will Receive His Own Reward.
We all have different jobs. Some might be a hawker, another might be of a higher standard job, say, a doctor.
But without the hawker, the doctor might not exist. And if asked, the doctor would want the hawker to be around. The hawker provides food for the doctor, the doctor provides medical assistance for the hawker. Without the hawker, the doctor might have to cook his own food, which he might find it steessful and a waste of time.
Without the doctor, the hawker might not be able to recover from an injury or sickness. Each cannot exsist without the other. Even though one is lower than the other.
When we read the Bible, we must also try and find hidden meanings in it. For example, in this one, the Bible tells us not to boast as a doctor, even though we have higher jobs or positions than the hawker. Instead, the Bible pinpoints our needs from the hawker, and through that, we learn to treat the hawker differently.
The position of your job is assigned by God. Therefore, do not look down on it. Nor do you look down on others. You might be a singer, who teaches others to sing, and another might be a scientist, who teaches other science. Of course many would say, the scientist is more important.
But a singer is needed to nuture more young singers to provide entertainment for the people. Each job has its role, and every person has a role to play. Since one cannot exsist without the other, all the jobs are the same. So...
God put us in different places and positions. He personally guided each of us into our working area. Therefore, thank Him and work diligently in whatever you are doing.
And if anyone insults you or your position, they insult God. As not you but God chose the position for you. Therefore, do not insult others no matter how intorlerable they might be.
~*You Are A Success In God's Kingdom, If You Are Faithful In Where He Placed You.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Psalm 119:18
Open my eyes, that i may see wonderous things from Your law.
The Bible holds the key and steps needed to achieve eternal life. It also holds many knowledge and power. But knowledge and power comes to those who wants it for the advantage of others and glory of his Father.
In the Bible are many open doors. it will lead you straight out of your problems, and, at the same time, grant you something you wished for. The problem is not finding those doors. But knowing where to look for them. For those doors are in your Bible, and the right door requires the right verse.
I want to share with you an example. There was this girl, she was often bullied in school. In her burned anger and hatred against her friends whom, always tease and embarrassed her.
She brought lots of cash, brought expensive pens, expensive clothes, called in friends whom would protect her. However, it would not solve the problem. Her friends had to leave as they do not belong there. her wealth and status would not be recongnised if they are not supposed to be recongnised.
then she came across a dusty book, full of arcane knowledge and wisdom. As she opened it, winds howled and embraced her. And she saw Matthew chapter 5:38 to 42 titled an eye for an eye.
She begun reading...
'If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.'
As she begun closing the book, so did she closed her eyes. A surge of power embraced her, and she found the strength. the power that would not corrupts. Knowledge that would not induce fear. Love.
As she return to her school, she did exactly what the Bible told her to do. The journey was difficult, but through it, she found a pattern. A usual routine to follow. And she did that everyday, growing stronger in that skill.
Soon, she has 'true' friends whom, loved her and cared for her. And as time passes, the bullies soon came to dawn of true love. And they in turn, threw away their old ways. For they found that, turning a new leaf, does not bring shame. Rather, fame.
This girl soon realised. The Bible taught her to overcome her problems using the power of love. And through her, the power of love spreaded to her friends whom in turn would spread it to their friends.
And the bullies, instead of only abandoning their old ways, became saved as well. This girl, from being a target of the bullies, rose in respect, changed her friends, taught her friends, by giving.
This girl is one of the Atlantic members whom is a treasured friend of mine. And she gave me permission to reveal her story. But i will not post her name for privacy.
As you can see, the dusty old book of knowledge and power is dusty because it is often neglected or ignored. It is of knowledge because you receive by giving. It is of power because you saved others.
And last but not least, God, was the one that found the right door for this girl.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Philipians 4:7
The peace of God will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus
Put your faith in the Lord for His Love for His children is uncountable.
In this road we call ~Life~ we face many problems. We can be hurt so deep that death would be a better choice. Do you remember the times you would never want to experience again? But eventually, you will have too?
Remember those horrid times in which you are anxious, may it be for your loved ones, your belongings, but you could not seem to do anything about it?
When Jesus' deciples were experiencing a storm in the middle of the ocean, Jesus was asleep, for he was so used to putting everything in His Father's hands that he was not troubled about the storm. From this verse, i found out something...
When i am feeling anxious, i am also feeling peace. In other words, peaceful anxiousty. Its the same with many others. Because when i put everything in God's hands, i am afraid that i can't do anything about it. But at the same time, im at peace because i know i don't have to do anything about it.
It is a skill of faith. To be able to put anything, everything, into God's hands. It must be nourished, nutured. You can't be inspired to do so, because you need the perserverance which is only obtainable through practice.
And everytime you fail, it is not a blockage in your life. Rather, it is another chance to improve your skills of prayer. And with that said...
~*The Power Of God's Miracles Working In Your Life Is Depending On Your Faith In Him*~
And you don't realise that you could allow more miracles to work in your life by just believing, would you?